Affiliate Manager: Toggle to Enroll New Customers as Sub Affiliates

We’re excited to announce a new feature that lets users decide if they want to automatically enroll new customers as sub-affiliates under the affiliate who brought them in after a successful sale.

👀 What’s New?

  • Campaign Setting: A toggle in campaign settings under “Additional Settings” to enable or disable the auto-enrollment of new customers as sub-affiliates.
  • Global Setting: The same toggle can be configured in global settings, which will apply to all future campaigns you create.

👷 How It Works:

  1. Go to the Affiliate Manager.
  2. Click on an existing campaign or create a new one.
  3. At the last step, expand “Additional Settings.”
  4. Configure the toggle for “Auto Enrol New Customers as Sub Affiliates.”
  5. Save and publish your changes.

🌟 Why it Matters:

Previously, all new customers who were brought in by an affiliate after a successful purchase were automatically converted to sub-affiliates under that affiliate. With the introduction of various ways to recruit and add sub-affiliates, users now have the flexibility to disable this automatic conversion. This helps users better manage how sub-affiliates are created and keep customer relationships separate if needed.


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