Additional Attributes to Online Listing Details

We’re thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our Online Listings integration — the addition of the Additional Attributes section in Listing Details! This update empowers businesses to showcase more detailed and specific information, making it easier for customers to find and connect with them.🎯 ✨ What’s New? The new Additional Attributes section introduces a […]

WhatsApp: Customer Service Window Check

We are thrilled to introduce the new WhatsApp: Customer Service Window Check feature within Workflows. This powerful condition lets you determine whether an active Customer Service Window is open between your business and your customer. When the window is open, you can send unlimited free-form messages at no cost for the first 1,000 service conversations […]

Create Audiences in Ad Manager

New Feature – Custom and Lookalike Audiences We’re happy to introduce the option to Create Audiences within the Ad Manager flow along with the existing functionality to use the existing audiences to create campaigns. This will allow users to create new Custom or Lookalike audiences right from the campaign builder flow and need not go […]

Wait Action Enhancements

What’s New We have made significant changes to the current wait action to make the user experience better and make the action more powerful What will happen to my existing Wait actions? By default no changes will be done to your current “Wait” actions, these will be working as expected. If you want to switch […]

Introducing New Templates

We are thrilled to announce our new web templates, designed to elevate your marketing efforts. Whether building a website, creating a sales funnel, or sending email campaigns, our versatile and user-friendly templates have you covered. Fully customizable and professional, they streamline your workflow, saving you time and letting you focus on engaging your audience and […]