Manual Payment Method in E-commerce stores


Store owners can now collect payments manually from buyers for any order. Buyers can complete checkout by selecting a manual payment method and then pay the store owner at the time of pickup or delivery using any mode of payment.

How to use

Manual Payment Method Setup:

  1. Store owners can set up manual payment methods for their e-commerce stores at Payment > Integrations > Manual Payment Methods.
  2. Initially, store owners can choose either Cash on Delivery or create their own Custom Payment Method.
  3. Once a payment method is added, Payment Instructions and Messages are optional fields during setup.
  4. Store owners can enable manual payment methods for either the Order Form or E-commerce Stores. These options will appear at checkout only if enabled at this step.
  5. Store owners must click Save to apply the changes.

Collect Payment flow (for manual payment method orders):

  1. Post receiving the order, store owners can record collected payment at Payment > Orders > Select the Order > “Collect Payment” CTA.
  2. Store owners can collect a payment and define the Payment Mode from the dropdown. Notes (optional) can be added as well.
  3. Once marked as paid, the transaction status and mode of payment will be updated.


  • A manual payment method can be set up when a payment integration is already connected in the current version.
  • If a recurring product is part of the order, manual payment methods won’t show up at checkout.
  • The collect order flow is applicable only to orders made with manual payment methods. Once marked as paid, it can’t be reverted.
  • If the payment method isn’t enabled for either the E-commerce stores or Order Forms, it won’t appear on the checkout page.
  • Store owners can set up both cash-on-delivery and Custom Payment Method simultaneously.


Manual Payment Method Setup:


Checkout page preview:


Collect Payment flow in order details page:


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